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Gas Safety

Exam revision materials for Plumbing Level 2&3 and ACS Gas Safety test

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Gas Supply

Gas Meters

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Code of Practice



Gas Supply

Gas Meters

Safety Devices and Controls

Air/Gas ratio valves

Appliances Controls

Flame Supervision Devices FSD

Gas Controls

Gas Meter Controls

Safety Cut-off Devices

Spare Part Identification


Open-vented System


Gas Appliances

Ventilation Sizing

Unsafe Situations

Dealing with Unsafe Situations

Emergency Notices and Warning Labels

Gas Leak




Tightness Test

Gas Performance

Gas Rate

Heat Input

Gas Pipework

Gas Fittings and Pipes

Gas Supply


New Installation

Pipe Protection

Pipework Sizing

Chimney and Flue


Flue Construction

Flue Inspection and Testing

Flue Terminals

Flue Types


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Combustion Process

Natural Gas

Portable Combustion Gas Flue Analysers


Components and Safety Devices

Gas rating Landis+Gyr electronic meters

When carrying out a gas rating of an appliance, the gas meter display does not immediately show the volume of gas passed by the meter. The entire range of Landis+Gyr gas meters are very similar in appearance; but some incorporate a pre-payment card slot towards the bottom of the meter and others do not (see Figure 1).


This procedure, confirmed by Landis+Gyr, needs to be followed in order to be able to carry out successful gas rating of appliances.

Display screen sequences.

Wake the meter by pressing the A button; the display will illuminate and show Please wait before displaying its default screen. If the default display is not the meter index, press button A again until the index is displayed. Two different sequences are shown in Figure 2.

Note 1: If the screen display includes the word OFF instead of ON, this indicates that either the meter credit has expired or the anti-tamper device has been triggered. In these circumstances, no gas will flow unless the consumer is able to instigate emergency credit, or a tamper is reset by the gas supplier

Gas rating an appliance

1. When conducting a gas rate test, start by running the appliance under test.

2. At the same time as starting the timing of the two-minute test period, press button A on the meter to wake up the display. Please wait is displayed on the screen (although there is a delay in displaying the meter index, the reading is taken from the time of the first press of the button). Press button A again until the meter index is shown in m3 (see Note 2). Make a note of the initial meter index reading.

Note 2: On some models of meter it will not be necessary to press the A button again after the Please wait screen is displayed. On other models, press the A button one or more times to pass the credit or debit display screen(s) so as to reach the meter index screen.

3. After a short delay, the meter display will go blank.

4. Exactly two minutes (120 seconds) after commencing the test, press the A button to re-awaken the display and show the final reading in m3 (press A the same number of times as previously to display the meter index reading).

Note 3: Although there is a delay in the recorded index (m3 ) being displayed after having pressed button A as many times as necessary to reach the meter index screen, the index reading that is displayed will have been recorded from the moment of the first press of button A.

5. Calculate the gas rate over the two-minute period by subtracting the initial reading from the final reading. Then calculate the hourly gas rate of the appliance using the normal method.

Note 4: On rare occasions, due to delays in the electronic module communicating with the base meter, the described test method could suggest that the gas appliance under test is overrated by a maximum of 4 per cent. If you suspect this, repeat the test.

< Go Back2019-09-15

Gas Rating Secure Meters (UK) Liberty EG4v 10 Smart Meter


This procedure, confirmed by Secure Meters (UK) must be followed in order to be able to carry out successful gas rating of appliances with this type of gas meter.

Gas rating an appliance

1. When conducting a gas rate test, start by running the appliance under test.

2. At the same time as starting the timing of the two-minute test period, press button 9 on the meter keypad to wake up the display. Then immediately press the 9 button two further times (or three times simultaneously). The display initially shows VOLUME TST for two seconds (see Figure 2) before displaying the meter index in m3 to 4 decimal places for a further two seconds (see Figure 3). Make a note of the initial meter index reading (see Note 2)

Note 1: When a key is first pressed, the display will be backlit for approximately five seconds. After showing the third in the sequence, the VOLUME TST (high resolution register screen) and then the index in m3 to 4 decimal places, the display will then cycle through a further 9 displays before reverting to a blank display after approximately 35 seconds.

Note 2: The readings displayed are measured at the time of the first press of the 9 button, even though the display of the reading is delayed

3. After a short delay, the meter display will go blank again.

4. Exactly two minutes (120 seconds) after commencing the test, press the 9 button three more times to re-awaken the display and show the final reading in m3 to 4 decimal places (displayed immediately after showing VOLUME TST). 5. Calculate the gas rate over the two-minute period by subtracting the initial reading from the final reading. Then calculate the hourly gas rate of the appliance using the normal method.

Note 3: If the energy monitor screen displays Low Credit, the monitor will also display the amount of credit available together. The smart meter will alternatively display A – ACCEPT and B – IGNORE. To continue with gas rating an appliance, the gas user will need to press button A on the meter to accept emergency credit, or the e-credit button on the monitor. Unless emergency credit is accepted, there may not be sufficient credit available to enable the completion of the gas rate check. When emergency credit has been activated, the letter P in the corner of the energy monitor changes to E to confirm that emergency credit has been activated, but this may not be displayed instantaneously.

Note 4: If the screen includes the word OFF rather than ON, this indicates that the meter has either run out of credit or the anti-tamper device has been triggered. If the credit in the meter is low, e-credit must be activated as in Note 3 or the customer will have to vend into the meter, then follow the PRESS A and PRESS B as displayed on the meter. However, if there is credit in the meter and the meter is OFF due to tamper, no gas will flow until the tamper has been reset by the gas supplier

< Go Back2019-09-15

Gas rating Elster BK G4E


This procedure, confirmed by Elster, must be followed to carry out successful gas rating of appliances with this type of gas meter.

Gas rating an appliance

1. When conducting a gas rate test, start by running the appliance under test.

2. Press any navigation button to wake up the display.

3. After a short delay the meter display will go blank again.

Note 1: When inactive the meter display will be blank. The cumulative read screen will display for 30 seconds before the display switches off.

4. Within 30 seconds of the end of the two-minute (120 seconds) test period, press any of the navigation buttons to re-awaken the display. When the two minutes is complete, make a note of the final meter reading index.

5. Calculate the gas rate over the two-minute period by subtracting the initial reading from the final reading. Then calculate the hourly gas rate of the appliance using the normal method.

Prepayment mode

Initially the Elster BK G4E meter will not have the option to be put into prepayment mode and can only act as a credit meter. However, in the future, suppliers will have the option to upgrade the meter. When upgraded, the initial screen will give the consumer/engineer the option to activate emergency credit as required. Once the consumer has used all their emergency credit quota and the supply has been disabled, a top-up will be required to bring the meter back into credit before the valve can be re-opened.

< Go Back2019-09-15


  • Regulation 9 of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations
  • BS6400: Part 1 - Specification for installation of Domestic sized gas meters - maximum rated capacity not exceeding 6m3/h
< Go Back2013-03-16

Meter Types

Gas Meters
  • U6 gas meter
  • G4 gas meter
  • E6 gas meter
    • Electronic token meter
  • R5 gas meter
  • U16 gas meter
  • E10 gas meter
< Go Back2013-03-16

Meter Emergency Control Valve ECV

Gas Safety Devices and Controls

  • If ECV is more than 2m away from the meter - label at the meter should indicate the position of ECV
  • Additional Emergency Control Valve AECV
    • A pressure nipple should be within 300mm of each AECV
External Installation
  • Built-in Meter Box
    • Fitted on the outside wall of the dwelling
    • Fitted on the adjacent wall not more than 2m from the fron wall
    • The base of the box should be between 0.5-1m above Damp Proof Course DPC
  • Surface Mounted Meter Box
    • Generally used for new meter installations
  • Semi-concealed Meter Box
Internal Installation
  • Meters in Attached Garages
    • House entry tee - situated at the point of entry
  • Meter within Dwellins
    • House entry tee will be only on propperties less than 20 years old
< Go Back2013-03-16

Gas Meter Installation

Gas Meters Installation
< Go Back2013-03-16

Gas Meter Regulator

Natural Gas Meter Regulator
< Go Back2013-03-16