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Cold Water

Exam revision materials for Plumbing Level 2&3 and ACS Gas Safety test

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Installation Requirements


Water Industry Approved Plumber Scheme (WIAPS)

  • Funded by Water Undertakers reed more
  • Compliance Certificate - issued on the completion of the job by a contractor
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When to give notice

  • 10 days notice to Water Undertakers when:
    • a bath more than 230 litres
    • *a bidet with ascending spray or flexible hose (by approved contractor without giving notice)
    • a pump drawing more than 12 litres/minute (a drawing MUST ne submitted)
    • a unit incorporated reverse osmosis (kidney dialysis machine)
    • a base water softener
    • an RPZ valve
    • a garden watering system (unless operated by hand)
    • any water system laid outside a building less than 750mm or greater than 1350mm (MUST be supplied with a diagram)
    • a pond or a swimming pool grater than 10,000 litres (designed to fill up automatically)
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Undertakers Response

  • give consent
  • refuse consent
  • give consent subject to conditions
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